Words and Music by Daniel Mandel
Drawing, artwork by Mark Mandel
I wrote this song returning home on an airplane connecting flight from St. Louis. I have been learning so much about how my mind works and what emotions are all about.
I'm especially intrigued by those emotions that are labeled as negative that are avoided because they are uncomfortable.
This is the 2nd song I've written on a piano, since the Covid-19 pandemic somehow mysteriously gifted me with the ability to accompany myself on piano!
lyrics by Daniel Mandel
I’m not allowed to be angry
At the hand life has dealt me
But which angry mob would hang me
If I could share how this feels
I’m not allowed to be lonely
But I don’t have no one to hold me
I don’t want someone to own me
Some times I like to be alone
But the truth is that
No one can promise they will
Complete me completely
Love is a skill
And there’s no guarantee
That You would Be
my friend and my lover my gardener and doctor and leave me fulfilled
(my guru, my plumber my lawyer my teacher and leave me fulfilled)
I’m not allowed to be selfish
But if I had my wish
I would have someone
to live my life with
I think that I’d choose somebody who
Was funny and crazy
who liked being lazy
someone singing and playing
who liked what I’m saying
who reads the same books
with familiar looks
who enjoyed what I’m eating
I don’t mind conceding
I live alone
But I would let you in
Show you around